Healing, Health, and Humanity Through a Global Community

Here you can join like-minded women and men who champion or desire to understand more fully the creation of a global community advancing the importance and distinctions of gender identity and equity while recognizing human equality.

  • Relationships make the world go around; they are the generators for humanity to create the life we want to build together.
  • Enlightened people want to connect with each other to share, learn, and model healthier relationships.
  • All humanity has purpose and worth.
  • A community of worth is one where esteem for one another is recognized.
  • Building community respects the magnificence of life and through a mutual affinity of good will, we can create a global community of light.

The Institute of Women’s Enlightenment is building a global community of light fostering mutual respect and dedicated to the health and healing of humanity through the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, and social well-being of women.

The Community

For Women

Welcome to i-We.

i-We is a global community of The Feminine Light Sisterhood, who, as Sisters, want to create a better life together.

i-We provides support to like-minded visions and voices of all women – in The Feminine Light Sisterhood. One Voice Creation means greater influence. We are building community together one woman at a time, and we would like to welcome you in creating that One Voice – a union of Sisters.

With i-We, you can share your vision and voice.

We are saying thank you to the many women and groups of women who are coming together and contributing to this present day shift in a global evolutionary consciousness that embraces the feminine spirit by honoring and recognizing one another in worth, joy, and peace.

How can we honor, share, and celebrate our truth and happiness together?

For Men

Welcome to i-We.

i-We provides a deep understanding of women as inspirational partners. This connection with women creates a path toward manifesting your life’s happiness and contentment. Men who realize the importance of creating a global community of gender-worth, recognize their own masculine strength.

i-We is for men who value understanding or want to realize the meaning of “Happy Wife, Happy Life”; “Happy Women, Happy World” and is a tribute to those men who honor themselves and their commitments.

Can we hear from you?

For the LGBTQQIA Community

Welcome to i-We.

i-We provides an offering which may assist you in discovering ways to better understand the nature of feminine and masculine polarities to experience the wonder of your life and live more efficaciously.

Although i-We expresses feminine and masculine distinctions in terms of a new partnership model for traditional gender roles, others whose sexual orientations may differ can also find clarity across the spectrum of gender-worth. As role models for our children, women, and men in all relationships and in community become the light of the world.

  • We respect your life and although we address life in a binary model leading toward Unity Consciousness and compassion for all, we understand that the LGBTQQIA community has questions and solutions in the meaning making and purpose of life.  What is your most pressing question? 
  • We support you in seeking: creative solutions, self-acceptance, patience, self-love,  personal insights, social integration, and an evolutionary consciousness.

   i-We honors, shares, and celebrates your life! Can we create together?

For Unions and Families

Welcome to i-We.

i-We provides support for and has an affinity for unions and families to model light in relationship and educate the children of the world.

Women, as venerable mothers, and men, as noble fathers, know that the self-esteem of girls is necessary to the health of society.  The Feminine Light Journey is a template of women’s identity and development to augment an understanding of how to mature daughters. Daughters then can, distinct from boys, better learn to value themselves in their understanding of themselves, as well as their importance, purpose, talents, and abilities. They can learn to be responsible for their joy and be able to influence relationship toward a healthy maturity.

What do you model for your daughters?

Join the private Forums that are available for parents!

For Groups

Welcome to i-We.

i-We provides a way for building community through groups: Connecting People; Building Understanding and Influence.

We invite all groups, particularly all women and healing groups to join together to support one another. We offer group and private Forums to assist in group unity, camaraderie, cohesiveness of purpose and effectiveness.

  • If your group would like to participate in any of our Programs, please contact us for those rates.
  • If you would like private forums, please also let us know.
  • We are developing a Global Women’s Database and if your group would like to be included, please complete the form below.

For Educational Institutions

Welcome to i-We.

i-We provides for the possibility of expanding course offerings either Online or on Campus in the following departments:

  • Psychology –  General, Developmental, Experiential, Health, Human Factors, Personality, and Social
  • Gender Studies
  • Women’s Studies
  • Business – International Gender-Culture Studies

Please contact us for further discussion or information.

For Businesses and Corporations

Welcome to i-We.

i-We provides an opportunity for businesses and corporations to work with us to build a healthier community: leading toward peace and providing a new platform of well-being for future generations to fulfill their lives.

Let us know how we can participate.